Writers hire us to jumpstart their book, because most struggle with distraction, negative self-talk, writer’s block, and think their work isn’t good enough.


We help to ignite a surge of creativity, so writers can convey a powerful message with authenticity and confidence.

Writers who work with us connect to their inspiration and finish the book they were meant to write!


Communication and writing expert Lorna McCarty takes words and creates magic on paper. As a published author, blogger, and former journalist, she understands the importance of telling a story from the lens of the reader. Her message inspires readers to take action on what matters most - bringing their own story to life.  Lorna is a former educator, grades K-12, ELL endorsed and a Reading Specialist. She also taught students on the university level to become educators themselves.  Lorna has a B.A. in Communication and English, and an M.Ed. in Literacy.

Her passion is to help writers discover their genius by giving them the tools to make it happen. Lorna received her coaching license in January 2010, through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, accredited by the International Coaching Federation.  Additionally, she obtained her ELI-MP (Energy-Leadership Index-Master Practitioner endorsement).

Her previous experience in the fields of Communication and Journalism include careers as a Television News Anchor and Medical Reporter.  

Lorna is married to her husband Jim. Together they have two adult children. Their son has finished law school and their daughter is the founder of a Reno, Nevada based contemporary dance company.

Lorna has always loved writing and became a contributing author, to the book, Dare to be Authentic, Vol. 2  Learning to Love Yourself, in May of 2014.  She enjoys speaking with community groups and teaching writing workshops.